Uvac is a river that carries many secrets - from
its source at the foot of the mysterious Roof of Serbia, as Pester
Highlands are called - to the point where it flows into Lim River.
The high slopes of Pester host not only the now very rare species of
vultures - Griffon Vulture - a predator bird saved from extinction
by rearing it in this region. The plant and animal life as well as
the composition of the soil are the reasons why experts in different
fields often tour this high region. Speleologists visit it in an
effort to penetrate as deep as possible the steep river banks.
Nonetheless, just ten or so kilometers north of the town Sjenica,
Uvac has for a long time hidden one of its many secrets.
For a long time the inhabitants of this area, and
experts, thought that there were three separate caves at the Usak
hamlet of the village Gornje Lopize. Satisfied with superficial
exploration, it remained on record that in this area there were the
Ledena Pecina cave and the Usacka Pecina cave. No one even thought
that in the limestone layers of Pecansko Brdo hill nature has built
one of the most interesting cave systems in the country. Judged from
its numerous and diverse features, it represents a seldom-beheld
curiosity. As is turned out, hese cave entrances inside make up a
single cave system more than 6,000 meters long with many passages at
several levels, chambers, and of course, speleothems without which
these caves would not have been what they are - most captivating
underground castles.
The entrance to the cave section of the Usacka
Pecina cave is not far from the first entrance in an area known as
Miletin Do. A forty-meter deep pit leads inside. The bottom of the
pit is very narrow, and one of the two passages leads to the
beautiful Great Chamber. Its lower section slopes towards the
Linking passage heading towards the main passage of the Usacka
Pecina cave. The place where the Linking passage begins, a passage
with columns and rich in speleothems, separates and from there on
one may reach the Ledena Pecina cave. At the end of the passage with
columns, in fact, begins the Ledena Pecina cave, which breaks off
with the exit to the Uvac River canyon. The overall length of all
the passages of this section is about 2,100 meters.
Chamber after chamber. That is the characteristic
and beauty of the Ledena Pecina cave. The narrow passages, water
filled pools, and chambers. The tall columns in the middle reach the
height up to ten meters. Torch light is reflected from the slender
white columns of which some are streaked with reddish or bluish-gray
hues. There is a whole wealth of speleothems everywhere around.
One passes from one hall to another by flat,
steep or sinking passages. Delightfull speleothems are abundant
here. Such an artist in creating the unusual and pretty can only be
some patient builder full of imagination such as Nature is.
The fabulous scenery of Uvac River valley to
where the Usacka Pecina cave exits is suitable for camping, so that,
especially in the summer time, tents are a frequent sight. The exit
can be accessed rather easily, as well as the initial several
hundred meters into the cave. However, only those who have explored
the cave in detail may venture to pass through the labyrinths made
up of many and intricate passageways. Regardelss of how many times
one passes through them, there is always something new to see. Who
knows, perhaps behind this fallen limestone rock decorated with
icy-looking stalactites covers a passage to the yet unexplored world
hidden still deeper in the Earth's insides. |